- About Us
- Research and Development Activities
- Skill Development/HRD and Others
- Calibration
- CSIR ISI Programme
- Scientist
About Us
o be a leader at the National level for designing and developing scientific and industrial instruments, systems and devices; play a lead role in providing support for testing & calibration services; developing skilled manpower by way of training on state-of-the-art instrument technologies and be a custodian of instrumentation activity in the country.
Central Scientific Instruments Organization (CSIO) Chandigarh, is a constituent laboratory of the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), a national laboratory dedicated to research, design and development of scientific and industrial instruments. It is a multi-disciplinary and multi-dimensional apex industrial research & development organization in the country to stimulate growth of the Instrument Industry in India covering a wide range of applications. CSIR CSIO has working in various areas of instrumentation and skill development program by awarding diplomas through Indo-Swiss Training Centre (ISTC) at Chandigarh and established centres at Chennai and Delhi to meet the regional needs.
CSIR-CSIO, Chennai Centre
The CSIO Chennai Centre was established in 1965 to meet the repair and maintenance requirements of scientific and industrial instruments of the southern region. Its objective is to reduce the down time of sophisticated instruments in research institutes, universities, laboratories, industries and hospitals etc. CSIR - CSIO Chennai Center started the design and development work in respect of instruments where spares were either too costly or not available.
In the 90’s the centre identified energy instrumentation as a thrust area and started research & development work with the support from various Government and private organisations. Many projects related to instrumentation in the area of energy conservation and efficiency was successfully completed by demonstrating at different industries and technologies were transferred. The Centre provides consultancy services for Energy Management Systems and Energy Studies. At present, CSIO focused its activities on Advanced Metering infrastructure, Building Energy Management Systems for Smart Grid components development. To reduce the dependency on imported equipment in the health sector, the centre started developing the biosensor based instruments for health care in collaboration with academic institutions under National Hub for Healthcare Instrumentation Development.
CSIR- CSIO established latest facilities for conducting energy audits and studies to help the industries in the energy conservation and waste minimization. An instrument calibration laboratory for testing and certification was also established.
Under Human Resource Development (HRD) activity, the center conducts technology based entrepreneur development programs and training courses for instrument users on the operation, handling and preventive maintenance of instruments. CSIO Chennai Centre conducts Management Development Program on Energy Management System & Instrumentation for international participants under ITEC/SCAAP program of Ministry of External Affairs.
CSIR CSIO Chennai Centre is participating in CSIR SERC AcSIR’s M. Tech program in Renewable Energy. This novel program in renewable energy is aimed at equipping the next generation of young Indians in science/engineering with the right skills to tackle the toughest challenges facing in the area of Energy.
Research and Development Activities
CSIO Chennai Centre carried out various projects on design & development of instrumentation systems for Energy Management Systems in different industrial sectors. It has successfully executed several projects sponsored by National Institute of Wind Energy (NIWE), Department of Science Technology (DST), Department of Information Technology(DIETY), Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA), Ministry of Power, Indo German Energy Efficiency Program(IGEEP) and private industries. CSIO provides consultancy services for energy conservation studies and implementation of energy management systems and third party evaluation. CSIO Chennai Centre has diversified its activities in the area of health sector by taking up projects on design and development of Bio sensor based instrumentation systems for pathogen detection using fluorescence and imaging techniques. The activities of the centre carried out in the last 10 years are listed below
Technology Transfers
S.No | Name of the process/technology was developed | Organization to which the technology was transferred |
01 | Energy Management System based on MODBUS | M/s RAMS Automation, Chennai |
02 | Low Cost Oxygen Monitoring System | M/s RAMS Automation, Chennai |
03 | Induction Motor Efficiency Monitoring System (IMEMS) | M/s Beta Technologies India Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore |
04 | Energy Management System based on MODBUS | M/s Smart Metering Energy |
05 | Induction Motor Efficiency Monitoring System (IMEMS) | M/s Industrial Controls & Drives (India) Pvt. Ltd., Chennai |
06 | Energy Management System based on MODBUS | M/s Industrial Controls & Drives (India) Pvt. Ltd., Chennai |
07 | Energy Management System based on LonWorks | M/s Vantedge IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore |
08 | Energy Meter Digital Communication | M/s Atsuya Technologies Pvt Ltd., Thane, Mumbai |
Major CSIR-CSIO Facilities
- Particle Size Analyzer : Measurement of Size, Zeta potential and Molecular weight
- Motor Test Bench
- Range of Motors that can be tested: Bed 1: 1 to 5 HP, Bed 2: 7.5 to 10 HP, Bed 3: 10 to 50 HP
- Dynamometer: Digitally Controller Eddy Current Dynamometer (IEEE 112-B Method)
- Pole Compatibility: 2/4/6/8
- Standard: As per IEC60034-2-1
- LonWorks System development tools like LonBuilder, NodeBuilder, LonMaker, PathFinder, Communication Analyser
- Digital Signal Processor/ARM Development tools
- Microcomputer/Kiel Development tools
- PCB and Circuit Simulation software (Altium/Proteus/Cadstar)
- NI- LabView and Matlab Software
- Web Development Tools (Visual Studio)
- SMD Soldering Station
- Logic Analyser
- Spectrum Analyzer
- Function Generator
Mr. KOTA SRINIVAS | Chief Scientist | siccsio@csircmc.res.in |
Dr. C SETHURAMAN | Principal Scientist | sethuenergy@csircmc.res.in |
Mr. A ROBERT SAM | Principal Scientist | robertsam@csircmc.res.in |
Mr. G S AYYAPPAN | Sr. Scientist | ayyappangs@csircmc.res.in |
Ms. R GEETHA | Scientist | geetha@csircmc.res.in |
Dr. PRABHAKARAN S | Scientist | sprabhakaran@csircmc.res.in |
Mr. MUKESH KUMAR | Scientist | kumarmukesh@csio.res.in |
Mr. ANAND V P | Scientist | avp@csio.res.in |
Mr. D. KRISHNAMOORTHY | Pr. Technical Officer | calibration@csircmc.res.in |
Mr. VINEESH MOHANAN | Technical Assistant | vineesh@csio.res.in |
Mr. P.GOPINATH | Asst. Section Officer | gopinath@csircmc.res.in |
Mr. M. RAMESH | Lab Attendant | mrhtpt@gmail.com |
- Completed Projects
- On-Going Projects
- Consultancy Projects
Design And Development of Energy Mananagement System for BHEL, Ranipet - Engineering Industry
View AllDesign And Development of Energy Mananagement System at Classic KNIT Processors, Tirupur - Textile Industry
View AllRemote Monitoring WTRS, Kayathar and integration with Energy Management System to be installed at NIWE, Chennai
View AllInduction Motor Efficiency Monitoring System (IMEMS)
View AllPump Efficiency Monitoring System (PEMS)
View AllPower Quality Analyzer(PQA)
View AllBuilding Energy Monitoring System
View AllPortable Energy Audit Tool (PEAT)
View AllR&D Activities at Biosensor Instrumentation laboratory
View AllNanoencapsulation of Herbal Extracts using Sonochemical Technique
View AllDesign & Development of COST-EFFECTIVE NON-INTRUSIVE
View AllConsultancy Service For Energy Auditing at Reserve Bank Head Quarters, Chennai
Consultancy Service For Energy Auditing at CSIR IMMT, Bhubaneshwar
Consultancy on Motor Performance study at RAMCO CEMENTS LIMITED
Inspection and Testing of Bio-Medical Equipment/Items procured by APMSIDC and CONDEMNATION of Bio-Medical Equipment under APMSIDC
External Quality Assurance and Impact Assessment of AP-Bio Medical Equipment Maintenance Program under National Health Mission
Skill Development/HRD and Others
HR Development
CSIO Chennai Centre organizes Technology based Entrepreneurial Development Programs to create human resources in the area of Instrument Service and Maintenance entrepreneurs. The Centre also conducts training programs to the end users on equipment Maintenance programs, and technology Awareness Programs to users and manufacturers at regular intervals with a view to create awareness on the new developments. CSIO Chennai Centre conducts Management Development Program on Energy Management System & Instrumentation for international participants under ITEC/SCAAP program of Ministry of External Affairs.
- Awareness Programs in Energy Conservation through instrumentation. (More than 05 programs)
- Management development program on energy management instrumentation for ITEC/SCAAP participants under MEA support. (2 Programs)
- Training Programs on “Repair and Maintenance of Bio-Medical Instruments for Hospital Technicians / Doctors” at various places in and around Tamil Nadu. (more than 15 Programs)
- Conducted Technology based Entrepreneurship Development Programs (TEDP) on Repair & Maintenance of
- Biomedical Electronic Test & Measuring Instruments
- Analytical Instruments (More than 05 Programs)
- CSIR CSIO Chennai Centre is participating in CSIR SERC AcSIR’s M. Tech program in Renewable Energy. This novel program in renewable energy is aimed at equipping the next generation of young Indians in science/engineering with the right skills to tackle the toughest challenges facing in the area of Energy.
Provide various testing & calibration services to Regional industries, Laboratories, Government Organisations, Academic Institutions, hospitals etc. in the disciplines of Electro technical, Mechanical, Analytical and Temperature. Calibration Service is one of the significant contributions in helping the Industries to compete in the global market. CSIO providing calibration services for more than two decades. At regular intervals calibrations facilities are upgraded with sate of art technology equipments/standards traceable to the national and international standards.
The Calibration standards held by CSIO Chennai centre are traceable to the national standards through the high Precision Calibration Laboratories. The calibration services provided covers almost all general purpose Electronic Test Measuring Instruments (TMI) like panel meters, DMMS, Oscilloscope, breakdown testers, CT, PT, power and energy meters (single & three phase), LCR meters and LCR standards, milli ohm and Micro ohm meters, function generators, oscilloscopes, signal generators etc.
CSIO also caters to the onsite calibration requirement of customers. These services are provided to customers as on site calibration services for almost all electronic test and measuring instruments, on request. The calibration reports issued has wide acceptability and includes measurement uncertainty. The turnaround time for calibration of instruments is minimum and the calibration charges are rationalized.
Name of the Equipment Make | Features |
Multi product calibrator Fluke 5520 with 8.5 Digit multi meter Fluke |
Multi product calibrator Fluke 5500 |
7.5/6.5 Digital multi meter Keithley Hewlett Packard |
Multi range, Accuracy: 0.001 fs To calibrate AC/DC Voltage, AC/DC Current, Resistance, Capacitance |
Standard Resistors Decade Resistance Standard , Vaiseshika Guildline. canada |
Range 0.1 Ohm to 1000 M Ohm |
Programmable DC voltage / current source YOKOGAWA |
Programmable AC Source Chroma |
To generate simulated AC Power to test the 3 phase loads(3kVA each phase and also single phase load upto 9kVA
Kocos |
Name of the Equipment | Make | Features &Application |
Electronic Balances | Sartorius |
Shimadzu |
S.S. Laboratory Weights | Weigh India |
Digital Vernier Calipers | Mitutoyo |
Digimatic Micrometer | Mitutoyo, |
Dial Thickness gauge | BAKER |
Slip Gauges | Micronix |
Caliper Checker | Micronix |
Combination Length bar set | P.V.E., |
Dead weight Tester | DH-BUDENBERG, |
Portable Documenting Pressure Calibrator | Druck 610 |
Digital Pressure Indicator | Druck 601 |
Stroboscope | Monarch /NOV Strobe DB plus |
Digital Hand-held Tachometer | Line-Seike |
The center has the following equipment to calibrate the parameters such as pressure, length, linear dimensions, height, thickness, mass, force, speed, etc.,
Temperature & Analytical
The center has the following equipment to calibrate the parameters such as temperature sensor, transmitters, humidity, spectro photometers etc.
Name of the Equipment | Make | Features &Application |
Temperature Calibrators To calibrate sensors, Instruments, Sources, Field Calibrators |
Documenting process calibrator Fluke 701 |
Dry Block Calibrator ISOTECH, PEGASUS 1200 |
S type TC ISOTECH 1600NCJ |
Dry Block Calibrator DRUCK, DBC 650 |
Liquid Calibration bath with thermo regulator Techne, TU 20D |
Holmium Oxide wavelength standard | NIST, USA, SRM/2034 |
STD Buffer PH Solution | MERCK |
Conductivity STD Solutions | MERCK |
Temperature bath Precision thermometer
CSIR Integrated Skill Initiative (ISI) Programme
About CSIR Integrated Skill Initiative (ISI) Programme
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) is embarking upon “Skill India” mission of the Government of India under its ‘CSIR Integrated Skill Initiative’ Programme. Under this umbrella of skill India, CSIR laboratories have taken up various skill training programs under different domains on pan India basis.
On 24th September, 2016 honourable Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi inaugurated “CSIR Platinum Jubilee” Celebration. On this occasion, Dr. Harsh Vardhan, Minister of Science & Technology, Health & Family Welfare and Earth Sciences launched “CSIR Integrated Skill Initiative” programme on pan India basis in CSIR labs. The aim is to train people of India in different skill areas. All these training programs are interconnected and linked to industry requirement thus would invariably contribute to subsequent employment generation, including small scale entrepreneurship.
The First Phase of this programme is successfully completed in year 2020 with total 53 training programs in which total 3448 trainees were trained in different domain areas by CSIR-CSIO, Chandigarh. The Second Phase of this programme has been launched in year 2020 for next 5 years (2020-25) and Approx. 10,000 trainees will be trained in different domain areas upto the year 2025 by CSIR-CSIO, Chandigarh.
To generate quality human resource at various levels by providing and upgrading skills in all the possible fields.
Aims & Objectives
The aims and objectives of the proposed programmes are:
- Upgradation of knowledge on latest technologies
- Creating a pool of skilled human resource for industries
- Developing employment-oriented skill programmes
- Aligning the skill programmes with CSIR Integrated Skill Initiative, National Skill Development Council (NSDC) and Sector Skill Councils (SSC) to meet the national objectives
- Developing market/industry driven courses with emphasis on hands-on practical learning
Contact Details
Prof. Shantanu Bhattacharya
Director CSIR-CSIO, Chandigarh
Mr. Narinder Singh Jassal
Sr. Principal Scientist, Head BDG & Coordinator, (CSIR-ISI)
CSIR-Central Scientific Instruments Organisation Sector 30-C, Chandigarh- 160030
Phone No: 0172-26572389
Email Id: head.bdg@csio.res.in, skill.csircsio@gmail.com, nsjassal@csio.res.in
Dr. C. Sethuraman
Sr. Principal Scientist & Nodal BDG
CSIR-CSIO Chennai Centre
CSIR Madras Complex
Chennai – 600113
Email: nodal.bdg@csircmc.res.in, Phone No. 044-22544637/ 22544631
For additional information to know the details:-
Skill Programme Calendar, Upcoming Events, Registration Link and Enquiry Form, please click the following link
Promoting Innovations in Individuals, Start-ups and MSMEs (PRISM)
PRISM along with its network partners provides grants, technical guidance and mentoring to individual innovators by incubating their idea towards creation of new enterprises in phases. It also provides grant-in- aid support to technology solution providers developing technology solutions aimed at helping MSME cluster. Proposals are invited from individual innovators and technology solution providers under PRISM schemes for financial assistance.
- The "Technopreneur Promotion Programme" (TePP) was launched in 1998-99 by the Ministry of Science and Technology, GOI.
- TePP earlier jointly operated by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) and Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC) of the Department of Science and Technology (DST).
- Presently operated by DSIR, New Delhi alone since May 2008.
- TePP scheme relaunched with new name “PRISM” in 2014.
- TePP/PRISM is a mechanism to promote individual innovators to become Technology-based Entrepreneurs (Technopreneurs).
- To promote and support untapped creativity of individual innovators.
- To assist the individual innovators to become Technopreneurs
- To assist the Technopreneur in networking and forge linkages with other Constituents of the Innovation chain for commercialization of their Developments.
The proposals shall preferably be considered in the following focus sectors: Green Technology, Clean Energy, Industrially Utilizable Smart Materials, Waste to Wealth, Affordable Healthcare, Water & Sewage Management and Any Other Technology or Knowledge Intensive Area.
Contact Details
Prof. Shantanu Bhattacharya
Director CSIR-CSIO, Chandigarh
Mr. Narinder Singh Jassal
Sr. Principal Scientist, Head BDG & Coordinator, (CSIR-ISI)
CSIR-Central Scientific Instruments Organisation Sector 30-C, Chandigarh- 160030
Phone No: 0172-26572389
Email Id: head.bdg@csio.res.in, skill.csircsio@gmail.com, nsjassal@csio.res.in
Dr. C. Sethuraman
Sr. Principal Scientist & Nodal BDG
CSIR-CSIO Chennai Centre
CSIR Madras Complex
Chennai – 600113
Email: nodal.bdg@csircmc.res.in, Phone No. 044-22544637/ 22544631
For additional information to know the details:-
CSIR-CSIO as DSIR-TOCIC, PRISM Awareness Lecture Video, Eligibility to Apply, Financial Support, Application Forms, Sucessfully Completed and Ongoing PRISM Projects etc