The CSIR, established in 1942 with Corporate Office at New Delhi, and a network of 38 national laboratories spread over the country is a premier R & D Organisation in India providing S & T inputs to a diverse spectrum of economic, industrial and societal sectors. The R & D activities covers fields from aerospace engineering to ocean sciences, molecular biology to metallurgy, chemicals to mining, food to petroleum & leather to environment.
In order to foster multidisciplinary research and to cater to the requirements of the southern region, five major laboratories established regional centres at Madras in a single campus which is known as CSIR MADRAS COMPLEX (CMC).
The Main Objectives of CMC are:
- to undertake inter and multi-disciplinary research and development projects
- to centralize services in different fields of specialization
- to share the services of a common administration, accounts, stores and purchase, transport, workshop and library.
The campus is unique in many aspects. A rare blend of engineering expertise in the field of electrochemical, electronics, instrumentation, metallurgy, and environmental engineering is available under one roof. A team of dedicated scientists, technologists, administration and supporting staff numbering around 230 along with an excellent infrastructure of modern sophisticated equipment's and machinery enable these capabilities and services.
The Five Laboratories having regional centers in the Madras Complex are:
- Central Electrochemical Research Institute (CECRI), Karaikudi,
- Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute (CEERI), Pilani,
- Central Scientific Instruments Organisation (CSIO), Chandigarh
- National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI), Nagpur.
- National Metallurgical Laboratory (NML), Jamshedpur,