Presently the Government of India is focusing towards smart cities and enabling the technological solutions for its implementation. Some of the major components are building management systems, energy conservation and green energy solutions. The market potential is huge as the Government mass housing schemes are envisaging the implementation of digital controlled homes. This system can be useful for the consumer to monitor and evaluate the energy efficient gadgets or star labeled appliances for their energy consumptions/savings.The system cost varies based on the configuration of the systems and application. As this can be used as component in the housing sector of the smart cities the number is large.
CSIR-Central Scientific Instruments Organization, Chennai in collaboration with CSIR – Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee has developed IoT based system which creates an energy profile for the buildings based on variables such as energy usage, occupant comfort, energy tariffs, building characteristics, and historical and real-time data (as a part of 12 FYP project). The developed platform can make changes to a facility through the system to optimize energy consumption and energy costs, while maintaining occupant comfort.
BEMS is developed to meet these objectives and kept open for incorporating add on features as and when required as an up gradation of the application software. The application software is developed in-house and drivers were developed for interfacing commercially available sub systems. The inbuilt algorithm in the system provides “round the clock” energy management optimization based on an energy model, which the system creates using both internal and external building data, including metrics related to occupant comfort.