ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (EMS) at CKP is capable of giving the energy accounting, water balance, steam balance and gives specific energy consumption. It also helps in identifying the energy saving opportunities and helps in evaluating them after its implementation. System Architecture of Energy management system based on open distributed networking architecture. The installed system layout at various sections is shown below.
EMS software is a Web Based Application, developed using ASP.Net, VB.Net & MS Access 2003 under windows. It is Menu Driven and User Friendly (GUI). Measures and collects electrical parameters through energynodes (19 Nos. of energy nodes) Measures and collects physical parameters like pH, Temperature, TDS, Water Flow, Steam Flow, Condensed Flow through physical nodes(11 Nos. of physical nodes for measuring 43 physical parameters)
The collected information stored in the database are being processed to provide meaningful real time information and reports in the form of tables and on-line & off-line trend graphs. The system also takes care of event logging, alarming, maximum demand control, temperature control, etc. and helps in establishing correlation between energy usage and different types of discharges to environment.
EMS installed at M/s. CKP, Tirupur enabled them to obtain on-line information of the plant about the consumptions at various units with local display as well as remote monitoring through any computer in the CKP LAN the electrical engineer/Production executives/ managers.
It also acts as a diagnosing tool for proper scheduling & maintenance. It generates and a consolidated daily report is generated every morning with Specific Energy Consumption of electricity and water for taking appropriate action. Using the information provided by EMS, by proper maintenance & scheduling, CKP observed that there is a potential of energy savings of 5% to 10% of the energy bill.
CKP started working on achieving the best SEC obtained in the last year by monitoring the energy consumption patterns and taking appropriate steps. It leads to a saving potential of 0.2 units /kg comes out to be about 4.5 lakh units/annum.
It was observed in the EMS at some utilities where the power factor is less than 0.8 and steps were initiated to maintain it at more than 0.9. This will lead better capacity utilization and reduced line losses.