Sr. Principal Scientist & Scientist-in-charge
- CSIR-CSIO, CSIR Madras complex, Taramani, Chennai – 600113
- robertsam@csircmc.res.in
- 044-22544651
Academic Background
- M.Sc.,(Space Physics and Electronics)
- M.Tech.,( Laser and Electro-optical Engineering )
- Ph.D ( Nano Biosensors )
Areas of Scientific Interest
- Optical instrumentation, Biomedical instrumentation, Nanotechnology, Nano-biosensors, Nanofiber composite
Awards & Honours
- Award of ‘Certificate Of Appreciation’ conferred by CSIR-CSIO, Chandigarh towards Performance Testing of Head up Display Technology for Light Compact Aircraft.
- SAM A ROBERT, CHANDER MEENALOCHANI, SRINIVAS KOTA. Sensitive Detection and Quantification of Pathogenic Bacteria Using Fluorescent Based Optical Technique. International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Studies . 03-NOV-14, 1(5), 63-66
- Revathi T.K, K.Sunil kumar, A.Robertsam, Design and simulation of Single mode Photonic crystal fiber for fluorescence based, 12th -13thth April 2012, International l conference on computing and control engineering, ICCCE 2012.
- Deepa R, Anand G, Sadhana K, Robert Sam A, Design and development of Bacterial detection system using fluorescence imaging technique, Jan 2016, IEEE International Conference on Technological Innovations in ICT For Agriculture and Rural Development, TIAR 2016, Page 251-257
- Sadhana K, Anand G, Deepa R, Robert Sam A, Fluorescence based bacterial detection system with Photomultiplier tube, Jan 2016, IEEE International Conference on Technological Innovations in ICT For Agriculture and Rural Development, TIAR 2016, Page 245-250