Chief Principal Scientist
- r_sivacoumar@neeri.res.in
- 2254 4665 & 4666
- Academic Background
- Professional Background
- Areas of Scientific Interest
- Projects
- Awards and Honors
- Committee
- Publication
Academic Background
- B.E. (Civil Engineering)
- M.E. (Environmental Engineering)
- Ph.D. (Environmental Engineering)
Professional Background
Air quality monitoring, modeling & simulation, urban air quality monitoring & management, sustainable water & wastewater management
Areas of Scientific Interest
Automobile pollution monitoring & modeling, characterization of upper atmosphere for air pollution dispersion, development of solar powered automobiles
- Research Interest (Past)
- Research Interest (Current)
- Research Interest (Future)
- Wind tunnel study for environmental application
- Tracer Gas study (SF6) for model calibration and validation for air pollution studies
- Portable mini-sonde studies for measurements of vertical temperature & wind profile of atmosphere for air pollution studies
- Wastewater management in Tanneries
- Wastewater management in distilleries
- National Ambient Air Quality monitoring for creating reliable long term continuous data base with respect to
- Gaseous Pollutants: Sulphur dioxide (SO2), Nitrogen dioxide (NO2), Hydrogen sulfides (H2S), Ammonia (NH3)
- Dust Pollutants: Fine Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter (PM2.5), Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter (PM10), Total Suspended Particulate Matter (TSPM)
- Criteria Pollutants: Carbon monoxide (CO), Benzene (C6H6)
- HC/VOC: Monitoring in work place and ambient air
- Particle size distribution of air borne dust and its associated health effects
- Assimilative capacity based air pollution studies
- Software Development for
- Area Source Model, ATDL
- Emission estimation for Industry, Vehicular and Domestic Sources
- Software development for statistical analysis for model performance evaluation
- Software development for processing of micro-metrological data and ambient air quality data analysis
- Carrying capacity based developmental planning study
- Regional Environmental Impact Assessment study, REIA
- Formulation and application of sophisticated EPA specialised air quality modeling software for prediction and simulation of air quality
- Development of on-road vehicle emission factor for automobiles
- Automobile pollution and modeling
- HC/VOC Monitoring in work place and ambient air
- Decentralized wastewater management
- Design and economic evaluation of biological fluidization reactor for sewage treatment
- Water and wastewater management
- Computer aided design and performance evaluation of water and wastewater treatment plants
- Modeling of concentration and deposition of fugitive dust emissions
- Air quality monitoring
- Air pollution modeling
- Development of air quality model and statistical package for model performance evaluation
- Modular design and economical evaluation of FAB reactor
- Biological fluidization reactor for STP design
- Mini-sonde studies for characterization of atmosphere for regional air pollution modeling
- Development of energy efficient fuel engine in automotive sector by use of on-road emission test results
- Development of on-road emission factors for automobiles
- Decentralized wastewater management systems with special reference to sewage treatment, reuse and recycle treatment
- Regional air quality modeling
- Aerosol size distribution, modeling and their effects on air pollution
- Development of solar powered vehicle
- Design of air pollution control equipment
- Wind tunnel study for environmental application
- HC/VOC Monitoring in work place and ambient air
- Automobile pollution and modeling
- Computational Fluid Dynamics, CFD technique in water and wastewater management
- Solid waste management
- R&D Projects involved/completed
- Consultancy Projects
- Major Projects Handled
- Development of on-road emission factors for automobiles
- Automobile pollution and modeling
- HC/VOC Monitoring in work place and ambient air
- Modeling and assessment of fugitive dust emissions from stone crusher
- FAB based design for STP of 450 KLD capacity for Calicut
- Modular design of FAB based STPs for 50 sites in 7 districts in coastal area of Tamil Nadu
- Wind tunnel study for environmental application
- National Ambient Air Quality Monitoring, NAQM
- Decentralized wastewater treatment systems
- Mini-sonde studies for characterization of upper atmosphere for regional air quality modeling
- Carrying capacity based developmental planning study
- Assimilative capacity based Air pollution studies to redefine Taj Trapezium Co-ordinates
- Removal of Ammonia and Phosphate in drinking water in Kelavarapalli Reservoir dam, Hosur
- Aerosol size distribution and modeling
- Fugitive dust emission modeling
- Municipal Solid Waste Management
- Total number of R&D projects: 24 (year 1991 - 2014)
- Total project cost: Rs. 3183 Lakhs (year 1991 - 2014)
- Mega projects
- Carrying capacity based developmental planning
- National Capital Region
- Doon valley
- Regional Environmental Impact Assessment, REIA
- Project of National importance
- EIA for alignment 4A for Sethusamudram Channel, Tamil Nadu
- National Ambient Air Quality Monitoring (from 1978 - 2013)
- Project of sensitive and strategic importance: Court cases
- Hon’ble Supreme Court, New Delhi
- M/s. Sterlite Industry, Tuticorin
- Hon’ble High Court of Madras & Kerala
- M/s. Athiappa, Puducherry
- Sree Yanam Steel, Yanam, Puducherry
- M/s. Cochin Refinery, Cochin
- M/s. Nitta Gelatin, Kathikudam, Trichhur, Kerala
- Total number of consultancy projects: 61 (year 1991 - 2014)
- Total project cost: Rs. 2529 Lakhs (year 1991 - 2014)
- Total number of projects (R&D and Consultancy): 84
- Total project cost (R&D and Consultancy): Rs. 5712 Lakhs
- Automobile Pollution monitoring and modeling: Chennai, Bangalore & Jamshedpur City
- HC/VOC monitoring for Chennai City, in the work zone & ambient air of Chennai Petrochemical complex, Manali, SIPCOT, Cuddalore & M/s. Athiappa Chemicals, Puducherry
- Carrying capacity based development planning for National Capital Region (NCR) & Doon Vally
- Assimilative capacity study: Air pollution Studies to Redefine Taj Trapezium
- Wind tunnel Study: Physical simulation facility for environmental applications
- Water Treatment: Performance Evaluation and Improvement of water treatment scheme
- Wastewater Management: In Tanneries, Distilleries, Chennai Port, Calicut Airport & Coastal districts of Tamil Nadu
- National Ambient Air Quality Monitoring in Mega Cities of India
- Air Pollution Modeling for Automobiles, Residential and Industrial Sector
- Environmental Impact and Risk Assessment (EIRA) Study: Puducherry Port, Petrochemical Complex, Refinery, Thermal Power Plant, River Valley & Dam, Aerated Lagoons, Mines, Fertilizer Plant, Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant, Asian Paints, Electro-plating Industry, Bio-tech Park, Sethusamundram Channel, Gem Stone Beach Resort and Theme Park Site, Chennai, M/s. Sundaram Fasteners, Mittamandagapattu, Madurai
- Solid Waste Management in Major Cities of India: Chennai, Bangalore
- ourt Case Projects: As an expert in air environment, EIA studies involved in many court cases related to Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, New Delhi, High Court of Madras & Kerala, NGT, New Delhi & SEZ
- Assessment and Decontamination Study of Soil and ground water of IOC Outlet, M/s. AP Enterprises, Mogappair, West Area, Chennai
- Assessment of impact of noise around Tenkailasantha Temple (Sri Vadakkunntha Temple) in Thrissur City, Kerala due to Pooram Festival Fireworks
- Environmental Quality Assessment (EQA) of the Beach Resort & Theme park Site of M/s. Gem Stone Beach Resorts (P) Ltd., Muttukadu, Chennai
- Hydrochemical Study of Groundwater in Kalapet village of Puducherry
Awards and Honors
- Qualified in Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) conducted all India basis in the discipline of Civil Engineering
- Awarded The Nawab Zain Yar Jung Bahadur Memorial Medal by the Institution of Engineers (India), Calcutta on December 2, 2001 for the paper entitled “Emission Factors and Emission Estimation for Indian Vehicles - A Case Study” in the Journal of the Institution of Engineers (Environmental Engineering Division)
- Recognised as Professor in the field of Environmental Engineering by Academy of Scientific & Innovative Research (AcSIR), CSIR, New Delhi
- Recognised as Supervisor for guiding Ph.D. and M.S. (by Research) scholars in the faculty of Civil Engineering in the College of Engineering, Guindy (CEG), Anna University in the area of specialisation ‘Environmental Engineering’ (Ref.No.20.199.03).
- Awarded Certificate for “CSIR 2008: Leadership Development Programme, LDP 2008 – 02” held at HRDC, Ghaziabad, nominated by Director, NEERI, Nagpur in May, 2008
- Special Technology Award presented by the Director General, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) for the project "Wastewater Management for Cluster of Tanneries in Tamil Nadu” to National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) and Central Leather Research Institute (CLRI) for providing critical and integrated technological solutions to tanneries in Tamil Nadu (during the period January 1997-March 1998) through All India Skin & Hide Tanners & Merchants Association (AISHTMA) avoiding unemployment of the larger poorer section and loss of substantial foreign exchange earnings from exports in which Dr. R. Sivacoumar involved in the Engineering aspects of the Project
- Special Technology Award presented by the South Indian Sugar Mills Association, Tamil Nadu to National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) for commendable work done in the field of wastewater management in distilleries in Tamil Nadu (during the period 1998-1999) in which Dr. R. Sivacoumar involved in the Engineering aspects of the Project
- Members of Societies/Organization
- Academic Committee
- Government Committees/Panels
- Life member, Institution of Engineers, India (IEI)
- Life member, Indian Association for Environmental Management, IAEM
- Life member, Institution of Public Health Organisation, IPHO
- Life member, Indian Water Works Association, IWWA
- Life member, Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment
- Life member, Society for advancement of Electrochemical Science & Technology
- Life member, Journal of Pollution Research
- Board of Studies, Department of Civil Engineering, Pondicherry Engineering College (PEC), Puducherry
- External Examiner for PG Studies in the field of Environmental Science & Engineering Anna University, Pondicherry Engineering College, Sathyabama University etc.
- Doctoral Committee Member for P.hD. candidates of Anna University, Madras University, Pondicherry Engineering College, etc.
- Dr. R. Sivacoumar nominated by Director NEERI, Nagpur as an expert in the field of environmental engineering in connection with Court case - Hon’ble Supreme Court, New Delhi as a member of technical sub-committee (TSC) for the report on Dust Free Handling of Coal and Dusty Cargo at Chennai
- R. Sivacoumar, K. Latha and R. Jayabalou. Design, Development and Economic Evaluation of Small and Decentralized Wastewater Treatment System, Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, 2014, Vol. 2; pp. 779-791
- R. Sivacoumar, S. Mohan Raj, S. Jeremiah Chinnadurai and R. Jayabalou. Modeling of fugitive dust emission and control measures in stone crushing industry, Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 2009, Vol. 11(5), pp. 98-997
- R. Sivacoumar, R. Jayabalou, S. Swarnalatha and Kalpana Balakrishnan. Particulate from Stone Crushing Industry: Size Distribution and Health Effects, Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2006, Vol. 132 (3), pp. 405-414
- A.D. Bhanarkar, S.K. Goyal, R. Sivacoumar and C.V.C Rao. Assessment of contribution of SO2 and NO2 from different sources in Jamshedpur regions, India, Journal of Atmospheric Environment, 2005, Vol.39 (40), pp. 7745-7760
- R. Sivacoumar, A.D.Bhanarkar, S.K. Goyal, S.K.Gadkari and A.L. Aggarwal. Air Pollution modeling for an industrial complex and model performance evaluation, Journal of Environmental pollution, 2001, Vol. 11(3), pp. 471-477
- R. Sivacoumar and K. Thanasekaran. Comparison and performance evaluation of line source models used for vehicular pollution prediction, Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2001, Vol. 127, No.6, pp. 524-530
- R. Sivacoumar, K. Thanasekaran. Line source model for vehicular pollution prediction near roadways and model evaluation through statistical analysis, Journal of Environmental Pollution, 1999, Vol.104 (3), pp. 389-395