Senior Scientist
- CSIR-CSIO Chennai Centre CSIR Madras Complex, Taramani Chennai-600113
- geetha@csircmc.res.in
- 044-22541061
- Academic Background
- Professional Background
- Areas of Scientific Interest
- Projects
- Publication
- Patents, Technology Transfer etc
Academic Background
- B.E. (Mechanical Engg.),
- M.E. (Production Engg.)
- Ph.D (Mechanical Engg.) (Pursuing)
Professional Background
Grade | Laboratory/Institute | Duration | |
From | To | ||
Scientist Gr. IV (2) | CSIR-Central Scientific Instruments Organisation | 10.08.2009 | Till Date |
Scientist Gr. IV (1) | CSIR-Central Scientific Instruments Organisation | 18.07.2005 | 09.08.2009 |
Lecturer | V L B Janakiammal College of Engg & Technology, Coimbatore | May2001 | July 2005 |
Areas of Scientific Interest
- Biosensor and Renewable sources of energy, Standards and Calibration
Sl. No. | Title of the project | Role | Participating Agency | Project Category |
1. | Design & Development of Cost effective in –situ Induction Motor Efficiency Monitoring system | Project Member Dynamic Encoding Algorithm for searches (DEAS) for parameter identification of induction motors | Department of Science & Technology | Instrumentation |
2. | National Hub for Health care Instrumentation Development-Immuno fluorescence based instrument platform bacterial detection | Project member in Mechanical design of Instrumentation system | Department of Science & Technology | Instrumentation |
3. | Development of instrumentation for Antibiogram | Project member in Mechanical design of Instrumentation system | Department of Science &Technology | Instrumentation |
4. | Development of an instrument using Immuno fluorescence based biosensor for the detection of infectious pathogens-Phase II | Project member in Mechanical design of Instrumentation system | Department of Science & Technology | Instrumentation |
5. | Automated Liquid Media Dispensing System | Project Member involved in design and development of Automated Multichannel pipette tool head with the help of actuators, and design of syringes of pipette tool head. | Department of Science & Technology |
Sl.No | Title of Project | Role | Participating Agencies | Project Category |
1. | Mission mode project for mass housing | Project Member | CSIR-SERC, Chennai | Instrumentation |
Calibration Laboratory
- Mechanical instruments calibration in the laboratory.
- Traceability of Master /Standard /Reference calibration equipments related to Mechanical, Electro-Technical, Pressure, Temperature and Analytical Instruments.
- Verifying the instruments sent out for calibration against the reference standards before and after onsite calibration, so as to check its estimated uncertainty value.
- Handling various types of instruments from different sectors of industries.
- Administrative duties like receipt, dispatch, up keeping of instruments, generation of calibration certificates, Quotation/Invoice etc.
- About 500 customers/industries are serviced during each fiscal year.
- NABL Accreditation: Accomplishment of NABL documents preparation as per the ISO/IEC 17025:2005. Preparation of Laboratory Quality Manual with all technical and management requirements, NABL Application form and its related documents, Standard Operating procedures for calibration instruments as per IS procedures, Uncertainty calculation of instruments and Inter laboratory comparison for instruments.
Ph.D research on solar energy as an energy management system to obtain green building, zero energy building and towards the achievement of self-sufficiency.
Sl No | Authors | Title of the Article | Year of Pubn | Name of Journal | Country | Vol No. Issue, Pages | DOI |
1 | R.Geetha, M.M.Vijaya lakshmi and E.Natarajan | Modeling and Simulation assessment of Solar Photovoltaic /Thermal Hybrid Liquid System Using TRNSYS | 2015 | Applied Mechanics and Materials, Impact Factor: (0.16) | Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland | 813-814,700-706 | 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.813-814.700 |
2 | R.Geetha, M.M.Vijaya lakshmi and E.Natarajan | Energy investigation in serpentine heat exchanger using Aluminum oxide nano fluid on solar photovoltaic /thermal system | Got Accepted on 16.04.2018 |
ASTM International Journal of testing and evaluation, Impact Factor: 0.389 |
UNITED STATES | -- | -- |
Paper Published in conference :
Sl.No | Authors | Title of the Article | Date/Year | Name of Conference | Venue | Vol No. Pages | Publisher |
1. | Ayyappan, ChenthamaraiSelvam, R.Geetha& Kota Srinivas | Rapid Detection of pathogenic bacteria using immuno fluorescence technique for food processing | 26-28th September ,2010 | National Bilingual Conference on Agrionics and Food Processing Instrumentation | CSIO, Chandigarh | pp-6, 68 | CSIO, NCAFPI-2010 |
Patents, Technology Transfer etc
Sl. No | Title | Period during which developed | Date of transfer | Organization/Industry | Total fees realised | Your Role* |
1. | Design & Development of Cost effective in-situ Induction motor Efficiency monitoring system | October 2012 to March 2015 | 1)20.2.2016,Realised 1.15 lakhs (Inc.ST) 2)17.6.2016,Realised 11.50 lakhs (Inc.ST) | M/S.BETA Technologies, Coimbatore. M/S. Industrial controls & drives (India) Pvt Ltd, Chennai. | 57,500 5,75,000 | Co-Principal investigator |