Senior Scientist
- anandm04@gmail.com
- Mob: +91 9445070494 | Office: 044-22542529
- Academic Background
- Professional Background
- Areas of Scientific Interest
- List of Publications
- Projects
Academic Background
- PhD (Metallurgical and Materials Engineering), National Institute of Technology (NIT), Warangal, India, 2013 -2019.
Master of Technology (Materials and Metallurgical Engineering), lndian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur, India, 2002-2004.
Bachelor of Technology (Metallurgical Engineering), Regional Engineering College (currently National Institute of Technology), Warangal, India, 1998-2002.
Professional Background
S. No. |
Grade / Post |
From |
To |
Lab./Instt. |
1 |
Senior Scientist |
2013 |
Till date |
CSIR-NML Madras Centre, Chennai-113 |
2 |
Scientist |
2008 |
2013 |
CSIR– NML Madras Centre, Chennai-113 |
3 |
Junior Scientist |
2005 |
2008 |
CSIR- NML Jamshedpur & NML Madras Centre, Chennai-113 |
Areas of Scientific Interest
- Physical Metallurgy and Metallurgical Failure Analysis
- Rheological behaviour of mineral slurries
List of Publications
1. M.Ananda Rao*, Sanjeev Bhargava and Dinesh Deva, Structural evolution in nanocrystalline Fe-10 Wt pct Cr alloy powder produced by mechanical alloying—An atomic-force microscopy study, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2005, 36, 11: pp.3195 – 3204
2. Brajesh Pandey, M.Ananda Rao, H C Verma and S Bhargava, Structural and compositional changes during mechanical milling of the Fe–Cr system, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2005,17, 50 : pp.7981 - 7993.
3. Brajesh Pandey, M.Ananda Rao, H. C. Verma and Sanjeev Bhargava, Mössbauer spectroscopic studies of Fe-20 wt.% Cr ball milled alloy, Hyperfine Interactions, 2006, 169, 1–3 : pp.1259 – 1266.
4. M.Ananda Rao* and TSN Sankara Narayanan, Failure investigation of a boiler bank tube from a 77 ×2 MW coal based thermal power plant in the northwest region of India,Engineering Failure Analysis,2012 26:pp.325 – 331.
5. M.Ananda Rao*, K. Rajesh and M.V.Pavan Kumar, Evolution of corrosion damage to cold rolled grain oriented steel sheets under rainwater followed by ambient atmosphere exposure, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2013, 30 : pp.10-16.
6. M. Ananda Rao* and M. V. Pavan Kumar,An Investigation of a Dryer Can Failure in a Paper Mill, Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention ,2015,15,2:pp.251-257.
7. M. Ananda Rao*, M. V. Pavan Kumar, T. S. N. Sankara Narayanan, S. Subba Rao and N. Narasaiah, Failure Analysis of a Low-Pressure Turbine Blade in a Coal-Based Thermal Power Plant, Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention, 2015, 15, 5 : pp.750-757.
8. G. Bhaskar Raju, S. Ratchambigai, M. Ananda Rao, N. Vasumathi, T. V. Vijaya Kumar, S. Prabhakar and S. Subba Rao, Beneficiation of Barite Dumps by Flotation Column; Lab-Scale Studies to Commercial Production, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals , 2016 , 69, 1 : pp.75-81.
9. M.Ananda Rao*, R.Sekhar Babu, and M.V.Pavan Kumar, Failure investigation of a cooling coil tube in zinc roaster furnace, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2017, 77 : pp.118-125.
10. M.Ananda Rao*, R.Sekhar Babu, and M.V.Pavan Kumar, Stress corrosion cracking failure of a SS 316L high pressure heater tube, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2018, 90 : pp. 14-22.
11. V.Rajinikanth, M.K.Soni, B.Mahato and M.Ananda Rao*, Study of microstructural degradation of a failed pinion gear at a cement plant, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2019, 95: pp.117-126
12. M. Ananda Rao*, M. V. Pavan Kumar, S. Subba Rao & N. Narasaiah (2018) Rheological behaviour of coal-water slurry using sodium tripolyphosphate as a dispersant, International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization, DOI: 10.1080/19392699.2018.1485664 (In Press)
13. M. Ananda Rao*, M. V. Pavan Kumar, S. Subba Rao & N. Narasaiah (2018) Rheological behaviour of coal-water slurries of Indian coals using carboxymethylcellulose as dispersant- a comparative study, International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization, DOI:10.1080/19392699.2018.1518901 (In Press)
14. M. Ananda Rao* , Veerapuram Yerriswamy, M.V.Pavan Kumar & N. Narasaiah (2019) A Comparative Study on the Rheological Properties of Two Coal Water Slurries with Sodiumtripolyphosphate as Dispersant, International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization, DOI:10.1080/19392699.2019.1621300 (In Press)
List of Recent Projects completed as a Project Leader
S.No |
Project Title |
Sponsoring Agency |
Year of Execution |
1 |
Failure Investigation of Thermomechanical treated (TMT) bars |
M/s Agni steels private limited Ingur, Tamilnadu,India |
2019 |
2 |
Failure Investigation of a wind mill gear box |
M/s The New India Assurance Company Limited, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India |
2019 |
3 |
Failure Investigation of ESV steam strainer, Main steam line TEE and ESV spring of a Thermal power plant |
M/s Hindustan Zinc Limited, Yashad Bhavan,Udaipur, Rajasthan, India |
2018 |
4 |
Failure Investigation of distillation column copper trays at M/s Rajshree Sugars and Chemical Limited,Tamilnadu |
M/s Proclaim Insurance and surveyors and loss Assessors Private Limited,Chennai,India |
2018 |
5 |
Expert opinion on non-destructive testing of main shaft.,M/s Vestas Wind Technogy India Pvt Ltd. |
M/s Vestas Wind Technogy India Pvt Ltd. Chennai, Tamilnadu,India |
2018 |
6 |
Metallurgical Failure Investigation of Engine Cylinder Block Casting |
M/s Hinduja Foundries Limited, Chennai,India |
2017 |
7 |
Failure investigation of slag mill pinion gear of a cement plant |
M/s The Ramco Cements Limited,Chennai,India |
2017 |
8 |
Failure analysis of boiler tubes
M/s Hindustan Zinc Limited,Chaderiya CPP (Thermal), Udaipur, Rajasthan, India |
2016 |
9 |
Failure Investigation of cooling coils of a zinc roaster furnace |
M/s Hindustan Zinc Limited, Dariba Zinc Smelter Rajasthan, India |
2015 |
10 |
Failure Investigation of dryer can of a paper mill |
M/s United India Insurance Company Limited, Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, India |
2014 |
11 |
Failure Investigation of boiler water wall tubes |
M/s Hindustan Zinc Limited, Captive power plant, Dariba smelter, Rajasthan, India |
2014 |
12 |
Failure Investigation of boiler bank tubes of Chanderiya captive thermal power plant |
M/s Hindustan Zinc Limited,Chaderiya CPP (Thermal), Udaipur, Rajasthan, India |
2012 |
13 |
Evolution of corrosion damage to Cold Rolled Grain Oriented (CRGO) steel sheets under rain water followed by ambient atmosphere exposure. |
M/s M/s Nexus Steels Limited, Pondicherry, India |
2012 |
14 |
Failure Investigation of super heater tubes |
M/s Hindustan Zinc Limited,Chaderiya CPP (Thermal), Udaipur, Rajasthan, India |
2011 |
15 |
Failure Investigation of economizer tubes |
M/s Hindustan Zinc Limited,Chaderiya CPP (Thermal), Udaipur, Rajasthan, India |
2010 |
16 |
Failure Investigation of water wall tubes of 63×2 MW power plant |
M/s Ind-Barath Powergencom Limited,Chennai,India |
2010 |
17 |
Failure Investigation of high pressure heater tubes of a thermal power plant |
M/s Asia Power Projects Private Limited, Chennai , India |
2009 |
18 |
Failure investigation of condenser tubes of Thirumakkottai Gas Thermal Power Station |
M/s Tamilnadu Electricity Board,T(K), GTPS, Mannargudi, Tamilnadu, India |
2009 |
19 |
Expert opinion on evaluation and classification of imported steel consignments |
M/s Ganesh Steel Rolling Mills Limited, Chennai, India |
2008 |
20 |
Expert opinion on imported thermomechanical treated (TMT) bars |
M/s DLF infocity developers private limited, Gurgaon,India |
2008 |
21 |
Failure Investigation of low pressure rotor turbine blade of 60 MW Ennore Thermal Power Plant, Chennai |
M/s Skoda Export Company Limited,Chennai,India |
2008 |
22 |
Failure Investigation of super heater tubes and turbine blades |
M/s Hindustan Zinc Limited,Chaderiya CPP (Thermal), Udaipur, Rajasthan, India |
2007 |
23 |
Failure Investigation of primary super heater tubes and economizers |
M/s Skoda Export Company Limited,Chennai,India |
2007 |
24 |
Characterization of ferrite magnets |
M/s Commissioner of Customs, Chennai, India |
2007 |